Photo courtesy Confluence Consulting |
From the Confluence website:
Jim Lovell is a stream restoration specialist with 20 years experience in the research and recovery of aquatic systems. Jim is known nationally for his expertise in stream restoration and the use of natural channel design and bioengineering methods to stabilize rivers and streams. This work has included the biological and geomorphic assessments of stream channels; design, permitting, and construction of fish habitat; restoration for threatened and endangered species; and relocation of streams and rivers. In addition, Jim has designed and constructed miles of bioengineered bank stabilization treatments to protect hazardous waste landfills, earth dams, and infrastructure; and to control sediment sources for water quality improvement.
Thanks to Jim for agreeing to take time away from his business to appear in SPRING CREEK: Randchers, Anglers, Water and Trout. If anyone can help explain the intracacies surrounding spring creeks, I think Jim can. I've tried to get a local perspective here in British Columbia about spring creeks, but no one I have approached seems to know much about them. Perhaps because our geomorphology here in BC doesn't lend itself to having large (or small) spring fed creek systems.
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